COVID-19 Infection Control Training Module
The Australian Government Department of Health COVID-19 Infection Control Training module has been completed.
Safety of staff and our customers is of critical importance at this time. Whilst it's changed how NEHOCdirect operates, if everyone does their small part, does it quickly and importantly correctly, we can all get through this situation faster and return to 'the new normal' . . .what ever that may be without restrictions and concerns.
Whilst battling an invisible virus, here are some of the measures NEHOCdirect has already introduced. Of course, we encourage you to e-mail or phone us to discuss and matter or concern you may have.
Quarantine of incoming stock
Whilst most of our stock is already in the warehouse, stock received within the past 21 days and all new incoming stock is now handled under a new process.
1. Received with staff wearing PPE
2. All pallets/ outer wraps/ plastics/ covering/ cartons/ packaging is removed and discarded by staff in PPE.
3. Change of PPE on staff to ensure no cross contamination.
4. All outer cartons/ boxes/ items/ products are cleaned.
- Where an item/ product can not be cleaned without damage to the outer carton, the outer is now discarded.
5. Stock is moved to 'quarantine section' of the warehouse for a minimum of 21 days.
Couriers/ drives do not enter the warehouse. Pallets/ packaging is discarded prior to entering the warehouse.
The quarantine section of the warehouse is compartmentalised and sealed to reduce airflow and eliminate any air born contamination risks.
Whilst this might be a little over the top, we feel it's an important measure we must take against an invisible virus that is reported to remains active on surfaces for up to 10 days.
NEHOCdirect and it's staff feel these new measure, whilst above and beyond what's required, will ensure all stock within the warehouse remains clean, contamination free and is safe to handle into the future without any ongoing concerns in weeks/months to come.
The stock quarantine system will now remain in place until 2021.
Order picking and packing
NEHOCdirect has implemented a complete redesign of the warehouse packing/ shipping section with a 2.5 metre spacing benches to ensure personal distancing is strictly enforced.
Only 1 order is picked and packed at a time now. Previously it may have been several on the same cart.
A new 'one way' circular picking route between rows, shelving and pallets has been implemented to ensure there is no chance of staff meeting in the same row and it allows staff to maintain a personal distance if there is someone in front of them.
Shelving has been moved between benches - visually it is harder to see each other now, however chat/ banter continues and the radio is still on!
Ever tried taping a carton shut with PPE rubber gloves on? We hadn't until recently either and it is not as easy as you think without the glove sticking to the tape, however a change of tape guns and not pulling the tape out first with your glove - it's not that bad once you get used to it.
There's also the standard wipe down of hard surfaces, door handles, knives, tape guns and all the new areas.
No entry to warehouse
Couriers, order pick-up, sales reps, even admin staff are unable to enter the warehouse. Safety cones and barriers have been erected to enforce this rule.
Whilst the main shutter door remains open at times for both airflow and stock collections, the inner warehouse doors leading to stock rooms/ packing benches are now closed.
This process ensures no outside contamination is possible through persons/ products/ items or staff.
Changes to order pick-ups/ collections
Only one order at a time is available for collection by customers to ensure personal distancing measures are enforced.
A set date/ time is now required prior to order collection, with a 10 minute time frame available before order is withdrawn.
Staff will not be available for order collection/ order unpacking/ product assistance.
It is now a strict 'collect and go' policy.
It is a new way of doing things. Constant ongoing cleaning, fitment (and constant changing of) PPE and extra time taken to prepare and pack each order increasing the time it takes, we are managing the situation in a positive way to ensure orders are dispatched same or next day as normal operation.
As always, stay inside where you can, and let's all do our small part to assist the situation and return to a new normal as quickly as we can.
Regards Anthony
NEHOCdirect Pty Ltd